

Uscito il libro di Valeria Fabretti “Le differenze religiose in carcere”

Kristina Stoeckl and Olivier Roy have guest-edited a special issue in the International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society on the topic of Islamic prison chaplaincy. The volume contains an article by Valeria Fabretti on the situation of prison-chaplaincy in Italy and is dedicated to the memory of Massimo Rosati. You can read the introduction to the special issue here.

The Russian sociological journal Gosudarstvo, Religiya i Tserkov v Rossii i za Rubeshem (State, Religion and Church in Russia and Abroad) has published a Russian translation of an article by Massimo Rosati, first published in English in the edited volume Multiple Modernities and Postsecular Societies. The article is accompanied by an obituary by Kristina Stoeckl. […]

Bulletin 27

Nilüfer Göle “L’Islam e l’Europa. Interpenetrazioni” Uscita la traduzione italiana nella collana “Modernità Postsecolare” presso Armando Editore.

PUBLICATION: Multiple Modernities and Postsecular Societies, edited by Massimo Rosati and Kristina Stoeckl. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012.

Document collection “Politics, religion and culture in the Postsecular World” published online on PECOB.

Publication in our series “Modernità postsecolare” Adam Seligman et al. “Rito e modernità”

Shmuel N. Eisenstadt, Le grandi rivoluzioni e le civiltà moderne, a cura di Matteo Bortolini, Roma, Armando Editore, 2010, 256 pp. Il primo volume della nostra collana è la traduzione italiana di The Great Revolutions and the Civilizations of Modernità del compianto sociologo israeliano Shmuel N. Eisenstadt. Seguendo l’esempio di Max Weber, Eisenstadt cerca di […]