Conferenza di  Chiara Letizia “Una divinità nazionale nello stato laico del Nepal: riflessioni sulla causa della dea Kumari alla Corte Suprema di Kathmandu”, venerdì, Novembre 11, 2011, h. 11.00-13.00 Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Sala Riunioni Dipartimento Ricerche Filosofiche, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Via Columbia 1, piano I.

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Dr. Chiara Letizia is a social anthropologist and historian of religions. She is a Research Associate at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Oxford University. She is since 2006 Researcher and Lecturer in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. She has also lectured on religious anthropology of Nepal and the Himalayas at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, University of Quebec in Montreal and University of Milano-Bicocca. She obtained her PhD from the University of Rome, Italy in 2003 and a Master’s Degree in Comparative Ethnology and Sociology at the University of Paris X Nanterre in 2000. She held a postdoctoral position in Paris in 2004 (CNRS Research Team “Milieux, Sociétés et Cultures en Himalaya”, Villejuif). Chiara’s research interests focus on the anthropology of South Asia, Buddhism, Hinduism, ritual and symbolism, religion and politics, ethnic and religious activism. She has focused her fieldwork on the religious anthropology of Nepal. She has studied: Buddhist cults and initiation rituals in the Newar society of Kathmandu valley (1996-8); Hindu pilgrimages in the Tarai (1999-2003); Buddhist movements in relation with the ethnicization of politics after the advent of democracy (2004-2007). Her current field research is about the meaning and the implementation of secularism in Nepal after the declaration of the country as a secular state in the Interim Constitution of 2007. Among her recent publications:

(2010) The Sacred Confluence, Between Nature and Culture. In Nature, culture and religion at the crossroads of Asia ed. M. Lecomte-Tilouine, pp. 344-369. New Delhi: Social Science Press.

(2009) L’abito rituale fa il monaco newar. Sul rito di iniziazione delle alte caste buddhiste newar del Nepal, in Abiti, corpi, identità. Significati e valenze profonde del vestire ed. S. Botta, pp. 291-315. Firenze: SEF.